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Title II FY22 Solicitation Flyer​​

​​​​​​Upcoming Meetings

The Kentucky Juvenile Justice Advisory Board (JJAB) will meet in-person on

April 11, 2024 at 1pm at Egan Leadership Center Spalding University- 901 S Fourth Street Louisville, KY.​​


ZOOM link:


Meeting ID: 989 2028 1801

Passcode: 776522​

Meeting Agenda


The Juvenile Justice Advisory Board believes that an investment in youth today is an investment in the future. It values a system in which youth are held accountable while being provided appropriate and effective prevention, interventions, and treatment programs and services. It values the diversity of all youth and believes that youth should be treated justly, respectfully, and equitably regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.​

2025​ JJAB Subcom​mittee Meeting Dates


The mission of the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board is to use the experience, expertise and energy of its board members to actively advise and propose evidence-based recommendations to the Governor, policy makers and the public; that if implemented will improve the quality of life and reduce recidivism for youth involved in the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s justice system.


To assist the Commonwealth of Kentucky juvenile justice stakeholders in delivering holistic, collaborative, and effective evidence-based services to youth and families involved in or at-risk of being involved with the juvenile justice system.


The need to balance with respect and compassion the needs of juvenile Justice stakeholders applies to all regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity or socioeconomic status.
